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Made free in Christ

Made free in Christ

John 8:36 – If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

The will and the purpose of God is that fallen man might be restored to his original state through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

As we know, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day.

The whole finished sacrifice of Christ is for our freedom and deliverance, which we may term, Salvation from sin.

We are called into grace by the gospel of God, and we are saved by grace through faith in Christ, which makes us receive the adoption, to wit, power to become the sons of God.
This grace is the source of God’s operation in the souls of converts. And God worketh according to the providence of his grace.

We can see in the creation of the world, how that the wise Creator made the entire universe in six days, which tho’ he could have made just once; but therein teacheth us that he worketh according to the manifold wisdom of his gracious dispositions.

When the grace of conversion comes into a soul, it introduce the convert into the kingdom of God. But that is just the beginning. The LORD has alot to do in renewing the image of Christ in his soul. And to this, the holy Spirit worketh both by natural and spiritual dispositions.

The holy Spirit first allows the soul to experience joy, and the peace of heart which accompany reconciliation with God, before he begins his operations.

And after that, to the time it takes, as it pleaseth the LORD, the convert begins to see that there is something wrong within him: depravity, and inbred sin. To this, he cries and groan earnestly, being defeated by the law of his members concurring with his corrupt heart to war against the law of his mind that desires to serve the LORD.
He fight without, and continually struggle within, to the point that he gets discouraged, because of continual rising and falling.

And the holy Spirit starts, through his importunate prayers, the begun work of sanctification in more earnestness.

This gracious operation takes sin from the heart, and fills the heart with supreme love for God which definitely makes the soul abhor sin, and in effect, pursue holiness.

If he continues in that faith, holiness, charity, sobriety, with perseverance, he shall continually be supplied grace, and constantly live a life of complete victory over all known sin, and to the end gain eternal salvation with all holy saints.

Now the question!
Reader, are you saved? If yes, are you free from sin? If no, seek the LORD.

Freedom from sin is the evidence that we’ve really visited Calvary, and we know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and that we are recognized as God’s children in heaven, whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Reader, are you blessed? Answer to God!

Also Read: Set them free

Reagan Azoyenime is a born again Christian and an undergraduate student of Ambrose Ali University, Nigeria. He writes edifying Christian messages centred on salvation in Christ and holiness.


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