Posted in: Faith/Gospel

Why you need to take a decisive stand between God and the world

Why you need to take a decisive stand between God and the world
Image: Pixabay

Why you need to take a decisive stand between God and the world

Deuteronomy 30:19, “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live. 

Joshua 24:15,” And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Lately, I have realized the importance of standing up for what is right and publicly supporting others who are right. Sitting on the fence or being neutral is not a Godly character.

Evil has constantly been on the increase because people are afraid to take a stand. They may take a stand in private conversations but only few will voice their opinions in public. They are afraid they may be rejected. One thing you shouldn’t do is to be silent about things that matter.

In matters of faith, do you have a hard time making a commitment to following Christ? Do you find yourself caught in the web of indecision regarding your stand with God?

So many give a lot of excuses when it comes to giving their lives to Christ. For some, they’re not just ready, they want to enjoy life more. Others find themselves never fully in and never fully out. This is simply sitting on the fence.

The fence is neither a comfortable nor safe place to be, in more ways than one.

  • The fence is a place of procrastination.
  • The fence is a place where nothing gets done.
  • The fence is a dangerous place to be.
  • The fence is a waste of time, a waste of life.


Often, we look back in our lives and say: “Oh, I should have done this or I should have done that. I wasted so much time”. Perhaps you can relate to this yourself.

We are good at putting things off but not serious decisions that would determine your fate in eternity. “There will be another time” is usually the words we use to convince ourselves about not taking a decisive stand in crucial matters.

How come we are always so convinced that there is “plenty of time”?

I once heard a quote that says,

“God has promised us forgiveness for our repentance but He has not promised tomorrow to our procrastination”. 

The truth is, we should live each day as if it could be our last because it very well could be.

Most of us know what we should do.
We know what we should be.
Why not start being that person today?
Why postpone your life of faith in Jesus Christ?

The hardest thing you may ever have to do is to make the commitment to give your life fully to Jesus Christ.
It may be the most difficult decision to take, but it is the most important.

When and if you finally make the decision to “get off that fence” you will find the greatest happiness, the greatest satisfaction, the greatest joy, and the greatest peace you never knew existed. You would be transformed and begin the process of becoming the person you were created, in the first place, to be.





Also Read Life without Jesus


Scholar Odum is a digital content/freelance writer, blogger, teacher, and former news contributor to the Life Magazine of the Guardian Newspapers, Nigeria.

Comment (1) on "Why you need to take a decisive stand between God and the world"

  1. Talking of enjoying life as a reason for procrastinating salvation. What actually constitute enjoyment, is it in partying and drinking or is it illicit sexual engagement or inordinate wealth acquisition. Can you remember the last time you were involved and the emptiness, soreness and dissatisfaction that followed almost immediately you were done. Those little moments are actually robbing you of real joy and self worth. The real enjoyment is in living for Christ,the impact is positive.

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