Posted in: Devotional: Grace Today



“So I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians…” (Exodus 3:8; NKJV).

When they could mimic the first few miracles wrought by God through Aaron and Moses, the magicians of Egypt thought they had power. Aaron’s rod turned to a snake and they made their rods turn to snakes too. When Aaron raised his staff to turn the Nile water to blood, the magicians too used their secret arts to do something similar. When Aaron made frogs to cover the whole land, the magicians still went ahead and did the same thing.

When the next wonder of gnats came, Pharaoh’s magicians tried to do the same thing, but this time around they failed! So they swallowed their pride and told Pharaoh that it was the finger of God! Six more terrible plagues were unleashed on Pharaoh, his magicians and the whole land of Egypt; and they watched helplessly and in frustration as events unfolded. God Himself paralyzed their economy and afflicted them with sicknesses and hunger. They could now see that the Israelites had an Almighty One.

Today some oppressors are oppressing God’s children. While they are doing this, they feel they’re invincible and untouchable. They feel they are ‘something’ and so, keeps assuming that they can do and undo. But when their cup is full, God appears unexpectedly and gradually starts to deal with them until He renders them absolutely powerless and helpless.

Does it look like your oppressors are gaining the upper hand in any aspect of your life? Is the oppressor afflicting your health, finance, marriage or career? You must do like the Israelites did. They continued crying for deliverance until God stepped into their situation.

Dear friend, it’s important to become a person of prayer as prayer enforces the fall and defeat of the oppressors. Their power and authority must be overthrown in your dreams and in real life. Even if the oppressor thinks or says that he will always dominate you, divine judgment is turning the table around. They shall be overthrown completely. In Jesus name!

Today’s Corporate Prayer: O God, arise and oppress all the oppressors of Your children all over the globe. In Jesus mighty name!

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Also Read: Rest (2)

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OLUWAGBENRO BLESSED is a writer, musician, an evangelist, a teacher and student of the Bible. He, alongside his wife Nike, coordinates the GraceToday Foundation. Together with their team, they reach out to millions of souls everyday via various social network platforms with God’s words of grace, healing and restoration. Lots of testimonies are being received to God’s glory.

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