Posted in: Devotional: Grace Today

Don’t be stopped

Don’t be stopped

But Jesus said, Don’t stop him! Anyone who is not against you is for you (Lk. 9:50, NLT).

You may not understand why Jesus made the statement above except you are familiar with the event. This is what happened in the preceding verse: John said to Jesus, “Master, we saw someone using your name to cast out demons. We tried to stop him because he isn’t in our group.” According to this verse, the disciples believed they were the only ones who had the exclusive right to cast out demons because it seemed to them that they were the only direct disciples of Jesus.

But Jesus’ answer revealed some truths to us. One, no one has the monopoly of knowledge, grace or ability. Two, you can follow the example of something positive and achieve a similar result of success. Jesus’ words here go to leaders. Leaders should allow people under them to grow and fulfill their ministries. A leader is not expected to hoard his knowledge from his followers or believe that God cannot use them. In whatever capacity, leaders should see it as a great blessing when their followers are trying to follow their positive steps.

Most of the things we know are things we learn from others. We can and should draw inspiration from exemplary people who carry God’s grace and are ahead of us in our area of calling. The fellow we read about in the Bible was doing something he saw Jesus do. He must have been listening to the teachings of Jesus and developed faith in Him. So when he returned to his station, he started doing what he saw Jesus do. Jesus technically referred to him as a ‘partner’.

For example, have you noticed that great authors are themselves voracious readers of the works of others? Nobody becomes knowledgeable overnight. People of knowledge gather it from various people and diverse sources. Chances are that no one has ever become mightily great by his own knowledge alone. No one should be too proud to learn from someone or admit that he is doing so.

You cannot know all you ought to know if you are not ready to follow the good steps of those who are your ‘seniors’. In life we have examples of everything we need or want to become. We must be ready to learn to achieve greater results in life, career or ministry and step out in faith. Do not be afraid of those who feel it’s their duty to discourage, stop or look down on you. Jesus already declared: “Don’t stop him!” So, dearly beloved, you are unstoppable unless you allow yourself to be stopped. Press on faithfully and the Lord will uphold you by His grace. In Jesus mighty name!

Today’s corporate prayer: Holy Ghost Fire, ignite my spirit man. In the name of Jesus!

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Grace Today….daily connection to God’s grace

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Psalms 87 – 89

Also Read: Wonderful wonders

OLUWAGBENRO BLESSED is a writer, musician, an evangelist, a teacher and student of the Bible. He, alongside his wife Nike, coordinates the GraceToday Foundation. Together with their team, they reach out to millions of souls everyday via various social network platforms with God’s words of grace, healing and restoration. Lots of testimonies are being received to God’s glory.

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