Posted in: Christian Living

Just to Kiss

Just to Kiss

Who told you that it is a bed of roses?

Who told you that there will always be butter in your bread?

Who told you there will always be sugar in every of your cup of tea?

Are you here just to kiss?

And they( Ruth and orprah) lifted up their voice and wept again, and orprah kissed her mother in law, but Ruth clave to her. (Ruth 1:14)

Initially the both of them confessed to follow Naomi but along the line when it became clearer that all hope was lost for them, orprah didn’t cleave again as confessed, she only kissed Naomi and went back to her gods. But Ruth cleaved!.

Are you also here to kiss and go back like Oprah?

When life do not go well with you as planned, will you just kiss and go back like Oprah?

What about when you fail an exam, will you still serve God?

When the days becomes weary, when the night gets dreary. Will you still cleave?

What about if it happens that you become of age for marriage and no one is forthcoming; what about if even after two years of marriage and children aren’t showing up… will you still cleave?

Friends there are times called trying times in this race.

Job was a man that cleaved.

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Then came the time for him to prove if he only came to kiss the good side of the coin, yet his confessions, his covenant he didn’t let go.

Brother are you just here to kiss?
Sister are you ready to cleave?

Are you sure you are ready to continuously forever cleave no matter the challenges?

Will you throw away holiness because of the affliction you might face?

Ruth cleaved, she didn’t know what the future holds, she only knew the one who holds the future and she held unto him.


Orprah only kissed and went back, she went back to the world.

At the end of it all, Ruth became a great woman, but the Bible didn’t talk about Oprah any more

Friends, nothing should make you turn back, afflictions and trying times are only temporal.

Many are the afflictions of the righteou but the Lord delivereth him from them all.

At the end of it all, it shall be joy unfathomable.

More Reads:Do not call us sexy

Ehinomhen Oboh

Ehinomhen Eboh is an undergraduate student of Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma, Nigeria. She loves writing poems, inspiring Christian fictions and true-life stories/experiences.

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