Posted in: Devotional: Grace Today


Strangers Strangers

The strangers shall fade away, and be afraid out of their close places’ (Psalm 18:45 KJV).

A visitor is not supposed to stay permanently in his host’s home. But if he finds the place conducive, or feels he has any right to remain there, then he stays – even against the wish of the host. Even when asked to leave, a stubborn visitor might pretend to leave only to come back secretly and create a hideout which he turns to a stronghold.

He is a stranger because his stay is illegal. He lives there secretly and comes out to steal food and other things he needs, when the real owner is sleeping or not around. In real life, some unseen strangers live in many people’s lives and have built strongholds in them – without their knowledge.

A pastor friend of mine once told me that he prayed some three prayer points and that he would like me to pray the same prayers too. He asked me to pray each of them for an hour, preferably at midnight. The three prayer points were, “Blood of Jesus; enter into my spirit.” “Blood of Jesus; enter into my soul” and “Blood of Jesus; enter into my body.” I didn’t pray them for three hours but I did pray the three of them for close to two hours, and went to sleep.

Then I had a dream where I saw two people walk out of me – a man and a woman! Surprisingly I knew the woman very well in real life. She even told the other man that “we can’t stay here anymore…” So they carried their travelling bags which they came with and left! I kept wondering how long they had been there.

Meanwhile, if anyone had told me before that time that some two strangers were moving with me wherever I went, I would have disputed it. And of course you know that after such an encounter, my life couldn’t have remained the same. A major hidden problem was removed from my life!

The Bible says we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). By using the blood of Jesus as a spiritual fumigator, we can dislodge some strangers that have been hiding in our lives. But until we know the power in the blood of Jesus, and pray tenaciously and aggressively, the strangers will continue to stay there.

One could be a Christian and still harbour such strangers. They won’t mind your prayer as long as it doesn’t disturb them in their close places. But on the day you carry out a spiritual sanitation exercise that touches every nook and cranny of your life, those strangers have to leave or die. I pray; every evil grip upon your life shall wither today. In Jesus almighty name!

Today’s Corporate Prayer: Make out quality time to pray the three prayer points in today’s message. God bless you as you do.

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Also Read: Carelessness

OLUWAGBENRO BLESSED is a writer, musician, an evangelist, a teacher and student of the Bible. He, alongside his wife Nike, coordinates the GraceToday Foundation. Together with their team, they reach out to millions of souls everyday via various social network platforms with God’s words of grace, healing and restoration. Lots of testimonies are being received to God’s glory.

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