Posted in: Christian Living

The Unique Woman 

­The Unique Woman The Unique Woman 

Women aren’t scarce, they’re everywhere; In the church, in every social gathering, the women at the markets are countless, at the banks, etc. However, the unique woman is scarce, she’s simply hard to find.

In our world today, we have many women like Delilah women who care only about their outward appearance; Women that make it their business to ensure men lust after them by going all out to look extra seductive. For these women, their aim is to make men fall as a result of their seductive dressing.

Nonetheless, I’ve chosen not to be a Delilah. I choose to be a Deborah – a woman who doesn’t have time for make-up/makeover yet great men were attracted to her. “Barak said to her, “If you go with me, I will go; but if you don’t go with me, I won’t go.” – Judges 4:8. Men confided in her, she was like God’s representative to them. It’s no wonder she was called the mother in Israel.

I would rather not be among the Michals of my generation, women who causes hindrances, women who can mock their husbands for taking God seriously. Instead, I choose to be a Mary; A woman who was found blameless, a woman despite the fact she was engaged, stood for sexual purity; A woman that even the host of heaven could testify that she was blameless, she didn’t have time to nurture lust in her heart. No wonder among all the wombs of the women on earth, her’s chosen to birth the saviour of the world.

What about Mary Slessor, the woman who fought against the killing of twins in Calabar, Nigeria. She chose to be the reason many lives were saved. No wonder she’s still remembered for her uniqueness till date!

I refuse to be an Eve who caused her husband to sin against God, when I can be an Esther, who could stand and say ” if I perish, I perish!” in order to save the lives of her people. Indeed, she was unique!

The world is filled with women like Potiphar’s wife, a woman who wanted to satisfy her flesh urgently at the expense of someone else’s destiny. I choose to be like Philip’s daughters who remained pure in a perverse and polluted world. They were women who chose to be prophetesses in a place where others were prostitutes.

In a world where there are many agents of seduction, be an agent of salvation.

The unique woman doesn’t have the time for gossip, she isn’t a talkative, she knows her worth, she knows her stand and she stands for what is right. She’s pragmatic about her goals, her whole aim is to please her maker (God). She’s a woman of purpose!

It’s so heartbreaking that they’re few and hard to come by. They’re highly needed to cause a change in their world!

You can be one! 


Also Read: Brokenness

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Ehinomhen Oboh

Ehinomhen Eboh is an undergraduate student of Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma, Nigeria. She loves writing poems, inspiring Christian fictions and true-life stories/experiences.

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