Posted in: Devotional: Grace Today

Trapped in Life’s Rubbles

Trapped in Life’s Rubbles

Like fish in a net or birds in a snare, people are often caught by sudden tragedy (Ecclessiates 9:12, NLT).

I once read about something in the dailies about a man who was sentenced to twenty-something years of imprisonment. He had almost completed his jail term before evidences came up that he was innocent of the charges that took him to the prison for over twenty years. How unfair!

Some of us must have set traps for some disturbing rats. Once they were caught, they remained helpless and trapped there. I have also heard about people trapped in the rubbles of collapsed buildings, with no hope of being saved. Painfully, they either remained there until they were helped or until they suffocated to death. When a man is trapped this way his movement becomes restricted. He becomes confined to a spot, with despair and pain accompanying each passing moment.

He has no access to food, so he remains there hungry. He can’t be with his loved ones, spouse, siblings or family. He misses them and longs to be in their company, but unfortunately, it’s impossible. He might think of attending to his job or business; yet he remains helpless because he is grounded. He might miss his friends, colleagues or business associates. He might miss his clients or customers. He might miss his Facebook or WhatsApp group chats, yet he is helplessly cut off from others. He might remember an on-going event he wishes to participate in, but it remains a mere wish.

Friend, different things trap men in life: health challenge, imprisonment, lack and so on. But the greatest trap in this life is death. It separates a man from this earthly body and takes him to his eternal abode in heaven or hell. And it doesn’t give a notice before striking. Until you are saved, you are not safe. If you don’t want to be trapped unexpectedly or caught unawares, surrender your life to Jesus today. I pray, may we not end up as candidates of hell. In Jesus name!

Today’s corporate prayer: O Lord; show me anything and everything I need to know, so as to escape hell. In the name of Jesus!

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BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 25-26

Also Read: Eternity Consciousness

OLUWAGBENRO BLESSED is a writer, musician, an evangelist, a teacher and student of the Bible. He, alongside his wife Nike, coordinates the GraceToday Foundation. Together with their team, they reach out to millions of souls everyday via various social network platforms with God’s words of grace, healing and restoration. Lots of testimonies are being received to God’s glory.

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