Posted in: Devotional: Grace Today

Unfathomable rest

Unfathomable rest

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yokes fit perfectly, and the burden I give you is light’ (Mathew 11:28-30, NLT).

That many people are carrying invisible heavy burdens is a fact. Jesus could discern it. Hence, out of compassion, he invites such people so as to remove the heavy loads they are carrying. Heavy burdens represent troubles and difficulties which people face in life. Many folks are under the burden of anxiety and worry.

People worry about life, what they’ll feed on or put on. They worry about marital, business, health, financial or accommodation issues. But Jesus wants us to enter His rest. He wants to remove everyone’s heavy yokes so that He can replace them with His light burden.

Of course when you now carry joy, peace, love, grace and so on, you’ll discover that they are indeed lighter. You experience ease and peace unlike when you were carrying sorrow, pain, high blood pressure, sleepless nights, bitterness, hatred, anger, gloominess and so on. You can now walk and work with Jesus now that you carry His better burden.

A lot of people, Christians inclusive, don’t know how to enter into the rest of Jesus. Somehow, it’s as if they prefer to continue to labour under satanic burdens. The word of God says to cast all our anxieties and cares on him, for He cares about us (I Pt. 5:7). We are also told to have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God (Phil. 4:6). From this scripture, we see that prayer is our strongest means of casting all our concerns on Him.

What follows doing this is an experience of the peace of God which passes all understanding. This peace will keep our hearts and minds at rest in Christ Jesus. When you get to a point when you can have sound sleep amidst a raging storm, so to say, you have received a good dose of His supernatural peace indeed. Don’t forget the keys to this are coming to Jesus, casting all our cares on Him, fervent prayers and thanksgiving. Will you cultivate these qualities?

Today’s Corporate Prayer: My spirit, soul and body, reject satanic burdens and enter into divine rest. In the mighty name of Jesus!

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Grace Today….daily connection to God’s grace

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Luke 19 -20

Also Read: Restitution

OLUWAGBENRO BLESSED is a writer, musician, an evangelist, a teacher and student of the Bible. He, alongside his wife Nike, coordinates the GraceToday Foundation. Together with their team, they reach out to millions of souls everyday via various social network platforms with God’s words of grace, healing and restoration. Lots of testimonies are being received to God’s glory.

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