Posted in: Sermons

Weeping for those who are not preparing for the coming of Jesus Christ 

Weeping for those who are not preparing for the coming of Jesus Christ Weeping for those who are not preparing for the coming of Jesus Christ 

Last Sunday morning, some boys in my neighborhood were playing football instead of being in the presence of GOD. The only reason someone would be playing football on Sunday morning is ignorance; ignorance about the end time and the dangers ahead.

The most painful thing about it is that they many don’t want to hear about the second coming of Jesus Christ. Some don’t believe it, some don’t care. They’ve simply chosen to live their lives however they like. All many care about is money, gifts, social media, partying, clubbing, football, politics, education, fashion, beauty, the latest car, celebrities, the latest movies, etc.

Devil has occupied the people of this generation with the things of this world. Devil makes it look like everything depends on money. As a result, many have backslided, the love of others have waxed cold. Some are into illegitimate businesses, many are fraudsters, some are into prostitution, many see nothing bad about lying and stealing; They call it being smart.

My friend, don’t allow the devil to deceive you. The antichrist is coming to this world and won’t be merciful. He will only be merciful to those that receive his mark (666). If you miss the rapture and you refuse to receive the mark, be ready for what is called real persecution and suffering.

My friend, whatever you are passing through now, is just like a child’s play compared to what is going to happen to those that will be left behind after the rapture. No one is actually suffering or even persecuted now. The real suffering and persecution will be when anyone who will be left behind refuses to accept the mark of the beast.

The horrors that will come after the rapture

Some erroneously think they are strong but when they  eventually face the antichrist, they will beg and submit in less than 5 minutes. Eyes and ears have not seen or heard about it, the type of torture they will dish out to those who reject the mark. The torture of the American army torture will be like a joke compared to what is coming to those who will reject the beast’s mark.

If you accept the mark, be ready to face the 21 wraths of God. Who will deliver the one that God is angry with? Who can withstand the anger of God? You will see all the 21 wraths of God in my next blog post. When you go through it, you will see that, it will be hard for anyone on earth to scale through.

There will be crying in all places, no one will be able to persuade his neighbours, wife, husband, children, parents etc. People will  live in fear. At that time, you won’t remember that you have children, husband, wife, cars, houses, etc. You will forget completely that you are a rich man. God won’t discriminate in His judgment and there won’t be difference at all between the rich and the poor.

During that period, there will be no one that will serve as: gate man, personal security, house help, aides, staff, attendant, students etc. Because everyone will constant fear and terror – everyone will be fighting for his or her life.

There would be nothing like going to school (we are already witnessing this gradually with the coronavirus), church, mosque, office, work, shop, market, bank, etc. I hope you know what it means when no one will be able to buy or sell? I hope you understood what it means when no one will be able to save or withdraw money?

There would be nothing like travelling, visitation, vacation, picnic, teaching, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram, phone (it won’t function anymore because the satellites would have been destroyed by hailstones), television, radio, technology, etc

Would you be able to live in a world where there will be no technology, phones, television, radio, social media? I also hope you are beginning to see how horrible the world will look like after the rapture? All these will likely be less than 1% of the things that will happen to this world. Do you see yourself surviving after the rapture? So do you think you should toy with your salvation?

There will be no hiding place for anyone that missed the rapture. The antichrist and his soldiers are not human beings, so they will easily locate everyone on earth.

Your father, mother, children, wife, husband, pastor, boss that you cherish so much, will deny you to your face after the rapture. No one will care about you. Everyone will be on his own. No one will wait for one another. Father will be running towards north, mother towards the east, children towards the west, uncles and aunties will be running towards the South.

You will forget completely that you have a father, mother, daughter, son, wife, husband, money, cars, houses, beauty, certificates, staff, workers, phones, etc.

Do you wish to witness and experience this most horrible period? I am telling you that anyone that misses the rapture will face these. Think about where you want to spend your eternity, heaven or hell?

The time to be saved is now. God is ministering to you now to change and return to Him while He’s still near. After the rapture, He won’t listen to you anymore. He will delete “Merciful God” from His title. Meaning there will no longer be mercy.

He’s urging you come to Him now, after the rapture, you will rush to Him but He won’t listen to you. Repent from all your wickedness, selfishness, greed, secret sins, excessive love for money, and every other thing that you’ve place above God.

If you have not given your life to Jesus, you can do that right now because no one knows when the rapture will take place. Are you ready?

Say this powerful prayer: Lord Jesus, I come to you today as a sinner. Please forgive me of my sins. I confess with my mouth that you are my Lord and Saviour. I believe that God raised you from death. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. I say goodbye to the devil. Please write my name in the Book of Life.

I pray for you, nothing will prevent you from flying when the rapture takes place in Jesus name.

Also Read: My people are not preparing

Rotimi Israel is a writer and a teacher of God’s word. He attended the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Bible School. He is  also currently training as a pastor with a Pentecostal denomination. He loves reading the Bible and preaching.

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