Posted in: Devotional: Grace Today


Buried Buried

‘When He had said this, He shouted with a loud voice, Lazarus, come out! (John. 11:43; AMP).

The grave is usually the final resting place for the dead. As a matter of fact, we believe that once someone is buried, it marks the person’s end. Man was made from the ground, and to the ground he returns. But then, that should be the case only when one who has lived out his time. In the case of Lazarus, Jesus brought him back to life because he hadn’t fulfilled the number of his days.

Burial represents death and end of existence. Since this is so, the agents of darkness use demonic powers to bury people without necessarily killing them physically. They bury people’s glory, finances, marriage, breakthroughs, and so on. They could use their wicked craft to call a person’s name into certain materials and bury them. For example, they could also construct a little coffin, speak demonic words against a person; put the person’s picture, piece of cloth or hair strand into it and bury it. The person now becomes like a corpse amongst the living.

When a person’s glory is held down by the power of the grave, nothing works for his success. When a person’s destiny is under the control of this power, his life doesn’t move forward. In a life where nothing works, it might not be unconnected to the power of this evil, spiritual burial. A person who has been captured by the graveyard power is locked away from the good things of life. There are people who cannot even point out a singular worthy achievement in life. it probably has to do with spiritual burial.

Anyone who has been trapped by this evil is spiritually dead. His spiritual life is usually blind, dumb and blank. He regularly dreams of past things, people and places. He often dreams of dead people. He sees himself naked, wearing rags or looking like a little child (though he is already an adult). Jesus set Lazarus free and still sets people free from the power of evil burial. Like Jesus did, we can command our life, glory, finance, marriage or career to come out of the grave today. But we have to give quality time to this and that could mean days, weeks or months of unwavering prayers. I see your glory coming alive. In Jesus name!

Today’s Corporate Prayer: O God, we ask that you take us deeper in the knowledge and practice of prayer. In Jesus mighty name!

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OLUWAGBENRO BLESSED is a writer, musician, an evangelist, a teacher and student of the Bible. He, alongside his wife Nike, coordinates the GraceToday Foundation. Together with their team, they reach out to millions of souls everyday via various social network platforms with God’s words of grace, healing and restoration. Lots of testimonies are being received to God’s glory.

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